Computational Fluid Dynamics Lunch & Learn

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 one of Bristol Harbor Group, Inc.'s (BHGI) naval architects, Annie Fisher, hosted a lunch and learn and presented computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results of a BHGI designed ATB unit, 120' tug, and multiple oil barges. Bristol Harbor Group has spent the past six weeks learning the StarCCM+ software and running various models. StarCCM+ is a CFD software that BHGI purchased from CD-apadco, the world's largest independent CFD focused provider of engineering simulation software, support, and other services. President Greg Beers, P.E. of BHGI attended a 3-day StarCCM+ training in Boston when the software was purchased and has been working with Annie on running the program. BHGI is exited to have the capability to perform computational fluid dynamics analyses in house. 



Bristol Harbor Group, Inc. is a full-service naval architecture and marine engineering firm specializing in commercial vessel design and consulting.

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Bristol Harbor Group, Inc.
99 Poppasquash Road, Unit H
Bristol, RI 02809

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