Through Bristol Harbor Group, Inc.'s (BHGI) first contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), BHGI was tasked with a number of projects for the JADWIN. They are listed below:
- Performed a detailed structural analysis for a ladder extension. This project included detailed design, using Nastran and FEMAP software to model the changes.
- Developed a vibration analysis to determine the cause of a major vibration problem which was causing welds to crack in various locations. This analysis included the design of solutions to mitigate the problems.
- As part of the Biodiesel Initiative, BHGI and KP Engineers and Associates, Inc (KPE) installed new fuel flow monitoring and power consumption equipment for the diesel gensets and DC motors on the vessel. Additionally, the team performed baseline testing to determine efficiency and the effects of using alternate environmentally friendly fuels on power and emissions.
- Provided project management and QA/QC for the addition of a new pilot house on the vessel. This project included the detailed design of the replacement of the existing pilot house with a new larger house, structural and vibration analysis, the design for the upgrade and replacement of support structure for the upgrade. Additionally, KPE provided construction oversight, QA/QC and onsite technical support to the crew of the vessel who performed the installation themselves.
- BHGI's subcontractors, N. Waller & Associates, Inc. (NWA) and KPE designed, and installed, tested, and started up a new control and monitoring system for the vessel. Additionally, NWA supported teammate AVID in the installation of new DC drives.