Passenger Vessel
One project involved analysis of structural failures on foundations for bow door operating hydraulic cylinders of the M/V EAGLE, calculations of reactions and moments on the foundations, and redesign to eliminate cracking failures. Drawings were developed based on the calculations and submitted to the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for review and approval. Approved plans were used by the operator to effect repairs and rebuild foundations on the subject vessel. Similar repairs are scheduled to be completed on other vessels with similar bow door operating systems. Construction supervision and lofting were provided to ensure quality control, accuracy and compliance with approved plans and calculations. Repair specifications were also prepared for the M/V MARTHA VINEYARDto effect repairs to hull seams where cracking was noted. Project involved visual inspection of the forepeak spaces, identification of cracks and other suspect areas, preparation of inspection and repair procedures in accordance with USCG and American Welding Society/American National Standards Institute (AWS/ANSI) weld repair requirements for review and approval by the USCG. In addition, an installation procedure was developed and submitted for approval for addition of an access hatch in the main deck of the vessel to facilitate access to the forepeak repair areas. Another project included conducting a deadweight survey and inclining experiment aboard the M/V NANTUCKET following a major shipyard period.
Capacity: 768 Passengers, 52 VehiclesDesigner: John Gilbert, Boston, MABuilder: McDermott Shipyard, LAOwner: Woods Hole Steamship Authority.